Alumni Reunion Weekend 2019 was held on campus from June 21-23. Class years ending in 4 and 9 were celebrated along with the 2019 Alumni Seal Award honorees and, as always, our venerable 50 Year Club.
Alumni Reunion Weekend 2019 was held on campus from June 21-23. Class years ending in 4 and 9 were celebrated along with the 2019 Alumni Seal Award honorees and, as always, our venerable 50 Year Club. Over the course of the weekend, Tigers of all eras got to explore campus, attend classes taught by favorite professors, hear from College leadership, and more. Of course, the highlight of the weekend was Saturday night, when alumni reconnected and celebrated at their class dinners and danced the night away at the Soiree on the Quad. Enjoy some photos from the weekend here.