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Memorial Gifts

The College often receives thoughtful gifts in memory of someone special. These meaningful gifts provide unrestricted support as well as funding for a broad range of opportunities, from scholarships and faculty enrichment to various learning experiences for our students. Memorial gifts were made on behalf of the following individuals during the 2019-2020 fiscal year.

Chloe L. Aaron '61 H'87
Linda J. Acosta '62
Katharine M. Allen '10
Anna C. Alvarez '77
Bryce D. Bagnall '83
Sandra H. Bagnall '57 P'83
Prof. Mabel S. Barnes
Suzette M. Barrow P'20
Andy Beattie '75
Carrie S. Bell '81 P'16
William G. Bennett '53
Margaret Blakeley '65
Janice L. Board '75
Prof. Roger C. Boesche
Georgene L. Bonetto '64 P'90 P'92
Mary L. Brakefield '75
Dorris Brodhead '29 & Theodore J. Brodhead '27 P'59
Duncan F. Brown '16
Kobe Bryant
Rev. Bruce B. Bueschel
Jaden P. Burris '22
Steven Bushnell
Bryan M. Caldwell '99
Onah Caldwell & William Scott Caldwell
Kevin P. Carew '86
Dr. Dennis R. Chinn '66
Jean G. Clark '61
Class of 1987 alumni
Andy M. Collins '07
Bertran F. Cooper, M.D. '72
Rev. Fred H. Coots Jr. '48 P'79
Anson J. Credille '97
Gregory P. Critser '80
Elizabeth F. Crossman '62
Tibbott G. Csik
Dr. Benjamin H. Culley
Kurt N. Dantzler '89
Arthur Edward De Nio '68
Leslie B. Dennis '66 P'94
Giuseppina Di Raimondo '86
Edwin Jason Dryer
Grant Dunlap '46 P'69 P'71
Thomas W. Fields '82
Carol C. Finch '45 P'72 P'77 P'80
Cecilia R. Fox
Margaret Frank '45 & Norman C. Frank '49 P'79 GP'10 GP'14
Marvin Fredrickson, M.D. GP'21
Thomas W. Fry '79
John C. Garner '71
Cleveland Gillis '72
Anthony P. Grande '59 GP'22
Prof. Richard M. Grayson
Dr. John F. Gregory-Panopoulos '49
James J. Henke '86
William M. Henry 1914 H'47
Deven D. Hickingbotham '78 P'12
Katherine D. House '57
Christine A. Hunstiger '86
Dr. Luther B. Jennings '49
Byron G. Johnson '69
Lauris L. Jones
Tim Jones
Kathryn L. Kilbourn '26
Prof. Clifton Kroeber
Queenie L. Kwan '06
Prof. Frank L. Lambert
Joyce Elvia Lanphere '57
Prof. James H. Lare '55
Nicholas Lee '10
Prof. C. Scott Littleton
Robert D. Lord '58 M'61
Warrington MacElroy '60 GP'10
Prof. Deborah Martinson
Prof. John S. McAnally P'73
Ida & Heidi Heeb Meiler
Katherine Mier '25 & Millard M. Mier 1916 P'50, '51, '57
Nathan A. Moore '35 P'63 P'66
Erica J. Murray '01
Jonathan A. Murray '01
Karin C. Nelson '69
Geraldine G. Newhall & David H. Newhall P'67 P'70 P'74 P'79 P'83 GP'24
Gabriela D. Niculescu
George T. Novinger '78 M'79 P'12
Prof. Tetsuo Otsuki
Prof. Omar M. Paxson '48
Fredrick H. Payne '71
Lois J. Pearson '59
Gregory L. Pedlar '75
Dr. Roy G. Petrie
Sally B. Prusia '64 & Sterling L. Prusia '64
Alex Philip Reisbord '59 P'89 P'90
Ilah Richardson '23
Dorothy L. Rozell '50 & Arthur B. Rozell '50 M'52 P'79
Frank N. Rush 1909 H'57 P'40
Dr. Robert S. Ryf
Cynthia D. Sabin '85 P'18
Prof. George M. Schmiedeshoff
Bennett W. Schwartz '72
Dr. Charles W. Seekins P'65 P'67 P'72
Prof. Herbert Segall
Robert I. Segbarth '55
Read Story
Jose F. Silva '84
Dr. Jo M. Stanchfield
Margaret Stinstrom '48 & John Stinstrom '49 P'78
Dr. David E. Stuckey '87
Eloise R. Swenerton '40 P'65
Chaya & Losef Talal
Clara K. Tengan P'79
Dale A. Thompson '49
Andrew M. Tierney '56 P'80 P'86 P'89
Judith S. Tims '62
Judith C. Tobler '83
Emma Todd & James K. Todd
Jordon F. Todd '81
Jeffrey M. Treadgold '75
Jason A. Ulibarri '88
Haj Uyehara '55 M'56
Salvador Villescas
J. Steven Waddell '65
Katherine M. Wakelee '90
Dr. Samuel M.S. Wang '68
Kenneth C. White P'24
Gilbert Wilkes IV '71 P'09
Prof. Robert W. Winter H'14
Michael B. Yauch '79 M'82
The 2020 contributors report recognizes donors who have made gifts to the College as well as pledge payments and/or the full value of any pledge commitment made from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Donor Relations at Thank you—we appreciate your generous support of Oxy!